Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowed in

It's been a year since I actually published a post. I'm pretty much stuck at home snowed in until monday. We've moved back across country and we got few inches of snow today. Here that is enough to close down pretty much every things. the roads are pretty much all ice at least in the neighborhood. and people around here don't really know how to drive in snow.
So church has been canceled for tomorrow. and the weather won't get above freezing till monday.
I took the boys out in the snow a couple of times today. Ian made snow angels and wanted to make snow men but the snow wasn't the type that packed into snowballs well. It was the icy crunchy snow. Later I took both boys out for a walk down the street. We saw kids being pulled in by Golf cart with water ski ropes. Looked like fun. My drive way is like a min ice rink. Maybe tomorrow I'll pull out my ice skates and try it.
well, here's to blogging again. Maybe I'll get caught up on last years adventures in Monterey and the Move back east. may be or maybe I'll wait another year to write again. For now enjoy a couple of Sketches I did on graffti.